PYro Tools

A library of Python scripts and modules for wildfire weather, fuels, behavior, effects, and emissions modelling

Project maintained by gagreene Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Fire Weather Tools

  • Wind Matrix
    • Generate a wind matrix, wind rose, or calculate wind speed percentiles by groups of wind directions
    • Generate Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System variables
  • WindNinja
    • Run WindNinja modelling through the command line interface (CLI)
  • BCWS Wx Station Data
    • Download BC Wildfire Service weather station data


Fire Fuel Tools

  • BCWS Fuel Typing
    • Assign CFFBPS fuel types using the British Columbia Wildfire Service fuel typing algorithm (Perrakis et al. 2018)


Fire Behavior Tools

    • Model fire behavior with the Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction System
  • US Fire Modelling
    • Model fire behavior and spread with FlamMap, MTT, and Farsite, using the Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory command line interface (CLI) apps
  • Flame Components
    • Model all the components of flames (length, tilt, depth, height, mid-flame wind speed)


Fire Effects & Emissions Tools


Helper Tools